Letters from the Americas 2005 (part 15) - Canada Mont Tremblant

Parc Omega

Mont Tremblant, between Quebec City and Ottawa is exactly like the Whistler ski resort on the west coast...
In fact it's owned by the same people and is an exact replica, for that reason I wasn't very impressed with it, maybe if you were actually going there to ski it would be cool. The hostel we stayed in there, in the vein of Canadian wackiness (for example, the Nova Scotian Scarecrow Farm), had a teepee. I like teepees. To be honest Mont Tremblant was such a nonevent I've nothing else to say about it. Who me, nothing to say, has the world stopped turning!

Old deer searches for bus pass
Nearby Parc Omega however, got Mont Tremblant and gave it a full on head butt, twice, it was EXCELLENT. I've never been on safari (I know, the shame, how embarrassing) so for me it was like entering Jurrassic Park. You stay in your vehicle and god’s creatures come to you, I felt like I was St Francis of Assisi (comparing myself to saints no less, straight to hell for that one). We had huge deer and moose practically climbing on board, wibbly wobbly wonder wild boars waddling along beside us, oh and bears, actual full on furry fearless cuddly monsters.

Looking for a bear hug
I felt like Sigourney Weaver in Gorillas in the Mist, except there was no mist, no gorillas, but ya know otherwise it was exactly the same. Packs of wolves roaming past, (packs of wolves people, is your mind currently exploding as I speak), and last but not least, coyotes, shifty looking creatures.

Anyway, Parc Omega gets two thumbs up, a must see.

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